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SVIK, charging station for electric cars produced in Romania

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LEKTRI.CO, one of the most important players in the field of electric mobility in Romania, have launched a new charging station, SVIK, with smart home integration, with a friendly interface, which can be easily installed in private and public spaces.

The station offers an affordable price and various functions designed to facilitate the loading process, along with the possibility of monetization, by integration into the LEKTRIfy network.

The new station is designed to be very accessible for the residential customer, but also for businesses that want to offer such benefits to employees or private parking. Moreover, through the station’s public sharing service, this acquisition can also bring the customer financial gains. The differences from other models consist in the simplicity of the product, which can be characterized as a gadget for home automation, which meets all standards and legislative certifications and is very affordable “, said Claudiu Suma, CEO of LEKTRI.CO.

SVIK charger was officially launched on 8 October, at the Bucharest Auto Show SAB 2021, being exhibited together with the other LEKTRI.CO products at stand B2-76.

Read more here.

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