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Centenary of the Polytechnic University of Timisoara

Members News

In November 11, 2020, it will be 100 years since the signing of the Decree establishing the Polytechnic School by King Ferdinand. On this occasion, UPT organized an online event, for those who represent Polytechnic at 100 years old: teachers, support staff, students.

During the anniversary event, the launch of the centennial academic anthem, the presentation of the rector’s message in office, conf. Univ. dr. ing. Florin Dragan, but also the messages of the former UPT rectors, the president of the UPT Senate, the student representative, the presentation of the collection ′′ UPT Monographs “, the announcement of the documentary film dedicated to Centennial, the launch of the numismatic show dedicated to Timisoara Polytechnic, messages from faculty, student leagues , the release of RockIng band’s ′′ Hundred Years ′′ video (consisting of famous musicians, UPT graduates).

Read more here.

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