On 10 December 2020, following the voting procedure held in Brussels, EU Member States chose Romania to host the future headquarters of the European Center of Industry, Technology and Research in Cybersecurity, making the EU’s CYBER Center the first structure. The EU on the territory of our country.
The CYBER Center will be a key structure in the context of EU-wide efforts to shape a European cybersecurity ecosystem. The Center will play an important role in supporting the establishment of links between public and private actors in the field, academia and the Union industry, while ensuring coordination between the national cybersecurity centers in the Member States.
At the same time, the Center will work to stimulate research and technological innovation in order to strengthen cyber security within the Union. Thus, the Center will be the main body for managing European funds for cybersecurity research available through the two EU funding programs relevant to the sector – Digital Europe and Horizon Europe.
Read more here.