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Winners of the student mobile app competition, SCMUPT, are encouraged to attend MWC Barcelona 2024

News Aries-TM

The Faculty of Automation and Computers, UPT organized on Monday, 29 January 2024, the twelfth edition of the Communication Session for mobile applications in UPT, “SCMUPT 2024”, a competition with tradition, which is organized annually in the session of winter and aims to grow and attract young people passionate about mobile programming, both in Timișoara and at the national level.

The competition does not aim to set a specific level of difficulty or complexity for projects, but seeks valuable ideas with an impact on society. It has been found that good ideas can often be hidden behind seemingly ordinary applications. This year, the competition was structured into two distinct sections, each with its own judging criteria and rankings: Utility & Lifestyle Apps and Community, Entertainment & Games.

ARIES-TM, the main sponsor of the competition, awarded the winners with entrance tickets to MWC Barcelona, ​​the largest European event dedicated to mobile technology, which will take place from 26-29 February 2024.

Congratulations to all participants!

Read more here.

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